VR Content Examples
It's FREE but you can donate
The project has evolved from a very few examples to a bigger and bigger list and I plan in keep adding examples as the time goes. While I enjoy doing this regardless of any support from the community I would appreciate if you can donate any amount if you find my work useful at all.
What is it?
The VR Content Examples project is a collection of VR examples that can be used to get you started or learning how a certain feature/system could be built. The project is pretty much what the Unreal's Content Examples project is with some differences in the project structure and implementation of the single systems.
What it ISN'T
The VR Content Examples project IS NOT a template, framework or plug-and-play system. The examples in the project are fully functional but just examples and nothing more. The project does not attempt to replace any full template/framework that you can get from the marketplace or on the forums. If you are looking for a framework, there is a list of incredible ones out there both free and paid.
Project structure
As you open the project you will see that each example has its own folder as well as its own map. Some examples are placed in subfolders if a particular category applies to them (e.g. Locomotion systems). Each example tries to keep as much as possible within the example's folder, but reusable assets in the project are all placed inside "Content/VRContentExamples/Content". You will also notice that each example has its own VRPawn and MotionController blueprints, this generates a lot of repeated code but it will also keep the example's blueprints easy and simple to read. It keeps the examples isolated from any unrelated systems that could generate unnecessary distractions. Also, with such a folder structure, you should simply be able to migrate a single example (together with the required assets) without having to migrate the entire project.